Municipal Court
Palmview, TX 78572
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Mission Statement
The Municipal Court serves as the City’s judicial branch of government, as well as an extension of the State of Texas judicial system. The City of Palmview Municipal Court is a Court of Record which hears Class C Misdemeanor criminal cases, including traffic violations, city ordinance violations and fine only offenses. As an impartial servant in the administration of Justice, the Courts purpose is to hear legal matters, process and retain Court records, collect and track all fines, fees and restitutions of the Court.
Court Appearances
The law requires you to appear in court on your case. If you were issued a citation, your appearance date is noted on the citation. If you have been released on bond, your appearance date is set on the bond. If you request a continuance (read the specific section in the pamphlet on continuances), the court will notify you of your new appearance date. You or your attorney may appear in person in open court, or you may deliver your plea in person to the court.
Your first appearance is to determine your plea. If you waive a jury trial and plead guilty or nolo contendere (no contest), you may talk to the judge about extenuating circumstances that you want the judge to consider when setting your fine, but the judge is not required to reduce your fine. Before pleading guilty or no contest you will want to read the section on pleas.
Entering a plea
Please be advised all court ordered fines, fees and penalties must be paid in full on the day of court. This includes defensive driving, deferral, and dismissal fees. Failure to pay on the day of court may result in a warrant for your arrest.
Your decision on what plea to enter is the most important decision you will have to make. The named defendant on the citation must sign his/her name and enter a plea to each charge; either in person or by mail. Failure to enter a plea for each charge in person or by mail within 12 days may result in a warrant being issued and could result in the denial of driver's license renewal, with additional fees assessed. We suggest you read the following explanations of the different types of pleas prior to making your decision.
You must decide upon and enter a plea to the charge against you on or before the appearance date on your citation. If you signed a citation in front of an officer, you did not plead guilty, but only signed a promise to appear in court. There are three possible pleas to a complaint:
- Guilty
- Nolo Contendere (No Contest)
- Not Guilty