PALMVIEW, Texas- Early voting for the July 30 Special Election begins on Monday, July 15 and the Palmview Parks & Recreation Gym will be the only location to cast your ballot. Registered voters in Palmview will be selecting a candidate to fill the unexpired term for the Place 2 Council Member seat.
There are three candidates on the ballot.
Esequiel ‘Zeke’ Ortiz, Jr.
Linda Sarabia
Cesar Pena, Jr.
The winner of this election will serve the remaining one year and 10 months of Jose Luis Perez’s term. Perez resigned from the City Council in early June after his employer, La Joya Independent School District adopted a policy prohibiting employees in positions equal to or above assistant principal from holding an elected position.
Early voting for this Special Election will run from July 15 through July 26 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
On Election Day July 30, the poll will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
View the sample ballot here: https://www.hidalgocounty.us/DocumentCenter/View/67800/1_078-03_EnglishSpanish?bidId=