

City Sets up Brush Drop Off Location

Posted on May 3, 2023

In an effort to assist residents with recovery after this weekend's storm, the City of Palmview has designated a collection site for brush drop-off on a 10-acre property off of Marla and 492. This site is self-serve, ONLY for brush, and proof of residency is required. Other Emergency Response Efforts by the City of Palmview:...

AEP Texas crews restore power to 152,000 Rio Grande Valley customers

Posted on May 3, 2023

One Voice Update #7 Rio Grande Valley Thunderstorm 5-2-2023: 9 p.m.    AEP Texas crews restore power to 152,000 Rio Grande Valley customers AEP Texas crews and additional resources brought in to assist the efforts have restored service to approximately 152,000 customers of those impacted by the storms this past weekend in the Rio Grande...

Update regarding Rio Grande Valley Restoration

Posted on May 2, 2023

May 2, 2023 One Voice Update #6 Rio Grande Valley Thunderstorm 5-1-2023: 10:45 p.m.     As of 10:45 p.m. on Monday, AEP Texas crews had restored power to approximately 146,000 Rio Grande Valley customers since 155,000 were left without power at 2 a.m. on Saturday morning. “We’ve made a lot of progress in restoring...

Palmview emite declaración de desastre

Posted on April 29, 2023

PALMVIEW, Texas- Palmview Mayor Pro-Tem Alexandra Flores hoy emitió una declaración de desastre en respuesta a la severa tormenta que azotó nuestra área en las primeras horas de la mañana del 29 de abril. Gran parte de la ciudad se vio afectada por los vientos en línea recta que superaron las 80 millas por hora. ...

Palmview Issues Disaster Declaration

Posted on April 29, 2023

PALMVIEW, Texas- Palmview Mayor Pro-Tem Alexandra Flores today issued a disaster declaration in response to the severe storm that hit our area in the early morning hours of April 29. Much of the city was impacted by the straight-line winds that exceeded 80 miles per hour.  The City’s Public Works crews worked overnight to clear...

Palmview to Hold Ring Around City Hall Ceremony as Part of National Day of Prayer

Posted on April 27, 2023

PALMVIEW, Texas- On May 4, 2023, The City of Palmview will join the rest of the country in imploring for the nation. Local leaders and staff will host a “Ring Around City Hall Ceremony inviting the public to join hands and ask for direction and blessings on all that goes on within the building. This year,...

Palmview City Council Recognizes 9-1-1 Operators

Posted on April 26, 2023

PALMVIEW, Texas- Every day, dispatch operators answer desperate calls for help. They are the men and women behind the scenes who send the services needed to save lives.  That’s why the Palmview City Council took time to recognize Palmview’s dispatchers during the regularly scheduled Council Meeting of April 18. Mayor Ricardo Villarreal presented Police Chief...

Palmview to Observe Crime Victims’ Rights Week

Posted on April 24, 2023

PALMVIEW, Texas- The City of Palmview and the Palmview Police Department will commemorate National Crime Victims’ Rights Week on April 26. The 2023 NCVRW theme is Survivor Voices: Elevate. Engage. Effect Change. This year's theme calls upon communities to strengthen the voices of survivors and create environments where survivors have the confidence that they will be heard, believed,...

Palmview observará la Semana de los Derechos de las Víctimas del Crimen

Posted on April 24, 2023

PALMVIEW, Texas- La Ciudad de Palmview y el Departamento de Policía conmemorarán la Semana Nacional de los Derechos de las Víctimas del Crimen el 26 de abril. El tema de NCVRW 2023 es Survivor Voices: Elevate. Comprometerse. Cambio de efecto. El tema de este año hace un llamado a las comunidades a fortalecer las voces de...

Palmview to Observe Earth Day with Two Events

Posted on April 19, 2023

PALMVIEW, Texas- In celebration of Earth Day, the City of Palmview has created a Butterfly Garden in front of City Hall.  The 26x7 area is a small investment in our planet to provide a haven for endangered butterflies and other insects. As millions of people across the country show support for environmental protection on Earth...

Palmview celebrará el Día de la Tierra con dos eventos

Posted on April 19, 2023

PALMVIEW, Texas- Para celebrar el Día de la Tierra, la ciudad de Palmview ha creado un Jardín de Mariposas frente al Ayuntamiento.  El área 26x7 es una pequeña inversión en nuestro planeta con la esperanza de proporcionar un refugio para mariposas y otros insectos en peligro de extinción. Mientras millones de personas en todo el...

Main Street Project Construction Now Underway

Posted on April 13, 2023

PALMVIEW, Texas- The City of Palmview and the Palmview Municipal Development District (PMDD) held a ceremony on April 12 to mark the official start of the Palmview Main Street Project. The Main Street development is replacing the old Greg’s Ballroom located on the frontage of Interstate 2.  The project includes seven commercial lots and a...

La construcción del proyecto de Main Street ya está en marcha

Posted on April 13, 2023

PALMVIEW, Texas- La Ciudad de Palmview y el Distrito de Desarrollo Municipal de Palmview (PMDD) celebraron una ceremonia el 12 de abril para marcar el inicio oficial del Proyecto Palmview Main Street. El desarrollo de Main Street está reemplazando el antiguo Greg's Ballroom ubicado en la fachada de la Interestatal 2.  El proyecto incluye siete...

Palmview to Begin Spraying for Mosquitoes

Posted on April 11, 2023

PALMVIEW, Texas-The recent rains brought more than just water- some residents are now dealing with mosquitoes.  That’s why the City of Palmview will begin to spray the entire city today. The spraying will be done by zone as shown in the map below. Zone 1 will be sprayed on Tuesday, April 11 between 9 p.m....

Palmview comenzará a rociar mosquitos

Posted on April 11, 2023

PALMVIEW, Texas-Las recientes lluvias trajeron más que solo agua: algunos residentes ahora están lidiando con mosquitos.  Es por eso por lo que la ciudad de Palmview comenzará a rociar toda la ciudad esta semana. La fumigación se realizará por zona como se muestra en el mapa a continuación. La Zona 1 se rociará el martes...

Palmview to Hold Groundbreaking Ceremony for Main Street Project

Posted on April 6, 2023

PALMVIEW, Texas- The City of Palmview and the Palmview Municipal Development District will hold a short ceremony on Wednesday, April 12, 2023, to mark the official start of the Palmview Main Street Project. The Main Street development will replace the old Greg’s Ballroom located on the frontage of Interstate 2.  It includes seven commercial lots...

Palmview celebrará ceremonia de inauguración para el proyecto Main Street

Posted on April 6, 2023

PALMVIEW, Texas- La ciudad de Palmview y el Distrito de Desarrollo Municipal de Palmview celebrarán una breve ceremonia el miércoles 12 de abril de 2023 para marcar el inicio oficial del Proyecto Palmview Main Street. El desarrollo de Main Street reemplazará el antiguo Greg's Ballroom ubicado en la fachada de la Interestatal 2.  Incluye siete...

Palmview Finances at Your Fingertips

Posted on March 31, 2023

PALMVIEW, Texas-The City of Palmview invites you to keep up to date with the City’s finances via the Palmview website.  Last year, the city implemented financial management software that allows you to view the latest city budget. The software is ClearGov, and it allows you to see our complete budget, how it was put together,...

Las Fianzas de la ciudad a tu alcance

Posted on March 31, 2023

PALMVIEW, Texas-La ciudad de Palmview lo invita a mantenerse al día con las finanzas de la ciudad a través del sitio web de Palmview.  El año pasado, la ciudad implementó un software de gestión financiera que le permite ver el último presupuesto de la ciudad. El software es ClearGov y le permite ver nuestro presupuesto...

Palmview Police to Hold Coffee with a Cop and Observe Social Worker Month

Posted on March 29, 2023

PALMVIEW, Texas-The Palmview Police Department will be at PJ’s Coffee shop on Thursday, March 30 to meet and greet residents. Chief Jose M. Trevino and his staff will be on hand from 9-11 a.m.  This is the first social event under the new chief whose mission for the department is to be more visible in...
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