
Council Member Javier Ramirez

Palmview Place 1 Council Member Sworn-In for Third Term

Posted on June 26, 2024

PALMVIEW, Texas-The Palmview City Council held a special meeting on June 25 to canvass the votes of the June 15, 2024, Run-off Election between incumbent Javier Ramirez and challenger Esequiel “Zeke” Ortiz, Jr. The count required by law officially declares Javier Ramirez the winner in the run-off for the Place 1 council seat.  He received...
Council Member Javier Ramirez

Palmview Celebra Juramentado para Miembro del Concejo de Palmview Lugar 1

Posted on June 26, 2024

PALMVIEW, Texas-El Concejo Municipal de Palmview celebró una reunión especial el 25 de junio para escrutar los votos de la segunda vuelta electoral del 15 de junio de 2024 entre el titular Javier Ramírez y el retador Esequiel "Zeke" Ortiz, Jr. El escrutinio requerido por la ley, declara oficialmente a Javier Ramírez como ganador en...
Spraying Map by Zone

Palmview to Begin Spraying for Mosquitoes Tonight

Posted on June 25, 2024

PALMVIEW, Texas-The City of Palmview will begin spraying for mosquitoes today to help reduce adult mosquitoes becoming a nuisance after the recent rains. City staff already treated standing water around the city to eliminate mosquito larvae and pupae before they grow into biting adult mosquitoes. The spraying will be done by zone as shown in...
Spraying Map by Zone

Palmview comenzará a fumigar contra los mosquitos esta noche

Posted on June 25, 2024

PALMVIEW, Texas-La ciudad de Palmview comenzará a fumigar contra los mosquitos hoy para ayudar a reducir el número de mosquitos adultos que se están convirtiendo en una molestia después de las recientes lluvias. El personal de la ciudad ya trato el agua estancada en toda la ciudad para eliminar las larvas y pupas de mosquitos...

Palmview Issues Disaster Declaration

Posted on June 21, 2024

PALMVIEW, Texas- Palmview Mayor Ricardo Villarreal has issued a disaster declaration in response to the severe weather emergency caused by Tropical Storm Alberto that hit our area on June 19, 2024. Many roadways were impacted by more than three and a half inches of rain that fell throughout the city.  The City’s Public Works crews...

Palmview emite una declaración de desastre

Posted on June 21, 2024

PALMVIEW, Texas- El alcalde de Palmview, Ricardo Villarreal, ha emitido una declaración de desastre en respuesta a la emergencia climática severa causada por la tormenta tropical Alberto que azotó nuestra área el 19 de junio de 2024. Muchas carreteras se vieron afectadas por más de tres pulgadas y media de lluvia que cayeron en toda...
Palmview Police Badge

Palmview PD to Step Up Enforcements for 4th of July Holiday Period

Posted on June 20, 2024

PALMVIEW, Texas- With the 4th of July holiday quickly approaching, the Palmview Police Department announces that it will participate in the Impaired Driving Mobilization initiative starting June 21- July 7, 2024.  There will be increased enforcement to specifically focus on traffic infractions to reduce crashes and take drunk drivers off our streets. Drunk driving is...
Palmview Police Badge

El Departamento de Policía de Palmview intensificará la aplicación de la ley durante el período de vacaciones del 4 de julio

Posted on June 20, 2024

PALMVIEW, Texas- Con el feriado del 4 de julio acercándose rápidamente, el Departamento de Policía de Palmview anuncia que participará en la iniciativa de Movilización por Conducción en Estado de Ebriedad del 21 de junio al 7 de julio de 2024.  Habrá una mayor aplicación de la ley para centrarse específicamente en las infracciones de...
Swearing-In Flyer

Palmview Run-off Election Unofficial Results

Posted on June 17, 2024

PALMVIEW, Texas-More than 600 registered voters participated in the City of Palmview Run-off Election on June 15 to select a Council Member for Place No. 1. The unofficial results are as follows. The incumbent Javier Ramirez received 372 votes and Esequiel “Zeke” Ortiz, Jr. received 307 votes. Council Member Place No. 1  Javier Ramirez (I)        ...
sandbags available

City of Palmview Distributing Sandbags to Help Residents Prepare for Hurricane Season

Posted on June 17, 2024

PALMVIEW, Texas-The City of Palmview continues to help residents prepare for Hurricane Season.  Today, June 17, we will again distribute sandbags to residents from now through 7 p.m. Residents will get four bags while businesses can get up to six.  The self-serve distribution is next to the new Palmview Municipal Library at 505 Palmview Commercial...
Made in Palmview

Palmview Municipal Development District Launches “Made in Palmview” Campaign to Bolster Local Businesses and Foster Community Pride

Posted on June 13, 2024

PALMVIEW, Texas- The Palmview Municipal Development District (PMDD) is proud to announce the launch of our "Made in Palmview" campaign. This initiative is designed to support local economic development efforts by championing local businesses and providing them with exposure, resources, training, and tailored business development support. "The “Made in Palmview” campaign is a testament to...
Hecho En Palmview

Distrito de Desarrollo Municipal de Palmview Lanza la campaña “Made in Palmview” para impulsar las empresas locales y fomentar el orgullo de la comunidad

Posted on June 13, 2024

PALMVIEW, Texas- El Distrito de Desarrollo Municipal de Palmview (PMDD, por sus siglas en inglés) se enorgullece en anunciar el lanzamiento de nuestra campaña "Made in Palmview". Esta iniciativa está diseñada para apoyar los esfuerzos de desarrollo económico local defendiendo a las empresas locales y brindándoles exposición, recursos, capacitación y apoyo personalizado para el desarrollo...
Council Member JL Perez

Palmview Council Member Resigns Post, City to Hold Special Election

Posted on June 12, 2024

 PALMVIEW, Texas- Jose Luis Perez,  Palmview Council Member for Place 2, resigned from the City Council today effective June 30. This after his employer, La Joya Independent School District adopted a policy prohibiting employees in positions equal or above an assistant principal to hold an elected position. Perez was first elected to the City Council...
Council Member JL Perez

Miembro del Concejo de Palmview renuncia a su cargo La ciudad tendrá eleccione especiale

Posted on June 12, 2024

PALMVIEW, Texas- José Luis Pérez, concejal de Palmview por el Lugar 2, renunció hoy su puesto en el Concejo Municipal a partir del 30 de junio. Esto después de que su empleador, el Distrito Escolar Independiente de La Joya, adoptara una política que prohíbe a los empleados en posiciones iguales o superiores a las de...
Summer Youth Academy

Palmview Police Recruiting Youth For Summer Academy

Posted on June 12, 2024

PALMVIEW, Texas- The Palmview Police Department invites all teens aged 14-18 to participate in this Summer’s Joint Public Safety Academy.  The program is being held in conjunction with the Mission and Alton Police Departments giving teens interested in first responder careers an opportunity to get an inside look via three departments. The one-week academy will...
Summer Youth Academy

La policía de Palmview recluta a jóvenes para la academia de verano

Posted on June 12, 2024

PALMVIEW, Texas- El Departamento de Policía de Palmview invita a todos los adolescentes de 14 a 18 años a participar en la Academia Conjunta de Seguridad Pública de este verano.  El programa se lleva a cabo en conjunto con los Departamentos de Policía de Mission y Alton, lo que brinda a los adolescentes interesados en...
Run-Off Election Schedule

Early Voting Begins for Palmview Run-Off Election

Posted on June 3, 2024

PALMVIEW, Texas- The run-off election to determine the winner for Palmview Council Member Place 1 is now underway. Registered voters of Palmview are deciding between incumbent Javier Ramirez and Esequiel “Zeke” Ortiz, Jr. Early voting runs through June 11 and Election Day is June 15. There were three candidates for Council Member Place No. 1...
Run-Off Election Schedule

Comienza la votación anticipada para la segunda vuelta de las elecciones de Palmview

Posted on June 3, 2024

PALMVIEW, Texas- La segunda vuelta de las elecciones para determinar el ganador del Puesto 1 de Concejal de Palmview está sucediendo ahora. Los votantes registrados de Palmview decidirán entre el titular Javier Ramírez y Esequiel "Zeke" Ortiz, Jr. La votación anticipada se extiende hasta el 11 de junio y el día de las elecciones es...
Run-Off Election Schedule

Early Voting to Begin for Palmview Run-Off Election

Posted on May 31, 2024

PALMVIEW, Texas- The run-off election to determine the winner for Palmview Council Member Place 1 begins Monday, June 3, 2024. Registered voters of Palmview will be deciding between incumbent Javier Ramirez and Esequiel “Zeke” Ortiz, Jr. Early voting runs through June 11 and Election Day is June 15. There were three candidates for Council Member...
Run-Off Election Schedule

Comenzará la votación anticipada para la segunda vuelta de las elecciones de Palmview

Posted on May 31, 2024

PALMVIEW, Texas- La segunda vuelta de las elecciones para determinar el ganador del Puesto 1 de Concejal de Palmview comienza el lunes 3 de junio de 2024. Los votantes registrados de Palmview decidirán entre el titular Javier Ramírez y Esequiel "Zeke" Ortiz, Jr. La votación anticipada se extiende hasta el 11 de junio y el...
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