
Roadway Project underway

Mejoras en las carreteras en marcha: se pide a los conductores que reduzcan la velocidad

Posted on May 3, 2024

PALMVIEW, Texas- La pavimentación de Bentsen Palm desde la Interestatal 2 sur hasta Business 83 debería estar terminada para la próxima semana, si el clima lo permite.  Mientras tanto, se pide a los conductores que reduzcan la velocidad para evitar accidentes y que muestren cortesía hacia los trabajadores de la carretera.  La ley estatal requiere...
Roadway Project underway

Road Improvements Underway

Posted on April 30, 2024

PALMVIEW, Texas- Earthworks has begun a road project that includes improvements to two major roadways in Palmview. The first to be addressed is South Bentsen Palm from Interstate 2 south to Business 83.  Once complete the workers will move to La Homa where improvements will be made from I2 south to Esther Street. The scope...
Roadway Project underway

Mejoras viales en marcha

Posted on April 30, 2024

PALMVIEW, Texas- Earthworks ha comenzado un proyecto vial que incluye mejoras a dos carreteras principales en Palmview. El primero en ser abordado es South Bentsen Palm desde la Interestatal 2 sur hasta Business 83.  Una vez completado, los trabajadores se trasladarán a La Homa, donde se realizarán mejoras desde la I2 sur hasta la calle...

Sister Norma Pimentel to Join Palmview for Annual Ring Around City Hall

Posted on April 24, 2024

PALMVIEW, Texas- On May 2, 2024, the City of Palmview will Host the National Day of Prayer 2nd Annual “Ring Around City Hall” ceremony to pray along with the nation.  Local leaders and staff will join the rest of the country to ask for direction and blessings. The National Day of Prayer was signed into...

La Hermana Norma Pimentel se unirá a Palmview para el Anillo Anual Alrededor del Ayuntamiento

Posted on April 24, 2024

PALMVIEW, Texas- El 2 de mayo de 2024, la ciudad de Palmview será la anfitriona de la 2ª ceremonia anual del Día Nacional de Oración "Ring Around City Hall" para orar junto con la nación.  Los líderes locales y el personal se unirán al resto del país para pedir dirección y bendiciones. El Día Nacional...
Event Flyer

Palmview Police to Hold Candlelight Vigil in Observance of Crime Victims

Posted on April 23, 2024

PALMVIEW, Texas- The City of Palmview and the Palmview Police Department will commemorate National Crime Victims’ Rights Week on April 24 by hosting a candlelight vigil to encourage members of the community to learn how to help survivors. This year’s theme is How would you help? Options, services, and hope for crime survivors and asks everyone...
Event Flyer

La policía de Palmview realizará una vigilia con velas en conmemoración de las víctimas de delitos

Posted on April 23, 2024

PALMVIEW, Texas- La Ciudad de Palmview y el Departamento de Policía conmemorarán la Semana Nacional de los Derechos de las Víctimas del Crimen el 24 de abril organizando una vigilia con velas para alentar a los miembros de la comunidad a aprender cómo ayudar a los sobrevivientes. El tema de este año es ¿Cómo ayudarías?...

Palmview Honors Telecommunicators

Posted on April 22, 2024

PALMVIEW, Texas-The Palmview City Council recently recognized the men and women who work as dispatchers for the City. Public Safety Telecommunicators or dispatchers are the first and most critical contact our citizens have when emergencies occur. They are also a vital link for our police officers, firefighters, and EMS personnel by monitoring their activities by...

Palmview Observes Fair Housing Month

Posted on April 19, 2024

PALMVIEW, Texas-Everyone deserves fair and equal housing opportunities.  That’s why the Palmview City Council recently observed the Fair Housing Act that was enacted in 1968. The Act protects people from discrimination when buying, renting, or financing a home because of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or family status. The observation was made during the...
Palmview Police Badge

Palmview Police Warn of Scam Using “Spoofed” Department Phone Number

Posted on April 18, 2024

PALMVIEW, Texas-The Palmview Police Department is warning residents of a reported phone scam.  According to a report received from a concerned citizen, he received a call from an individual claiming to be from the Palmview Police Department. The caller ID matched the Palmview PD non-emergency number 956-432-0303.  The female scammer, speaking only in Spanish, requested...
Palmview Police Badge

La policía de Palmview advierte sobre una estafa que usa un número de teléfono del departamento “falsificado”

Posted on April 18, 2024

PALMVIEW, Texas- El Departamento de Policía de Palmview está advirtiendo a los residentes de una estafa telefónicareportada. Según un informe recibido de un ciudadano preocupado, recibió una llamada de una persona que decía ser delDepartamento de Policía de Palmview. El identificador de llamadas coincidía con el número de no emergencia de Palmview PD (956) 432-0303. ...

Palmview Observes National Library Week

Posted on April 17, 2024

PALMVIEW, TEXAS- The Palmview City Council this week joined cities across the nation in recognizing the pivotal role public libraries serve in their communities.  In observance of National Library Week held annually in April, the recognition is meant to highlight the programs and services provided while encouraging the love for reading. Here in Palmview, the Library...

Early Voting for Palmview General Election to Begin April 22

Posted on April 15, 2024

PALMVIEW, Texas-Registered voters in Palmview will be able to cast their ballot early for the City’s General Election beginning Monday, April 22.  The early voting period runs through April 30, 2024. On the ballot, contested races for Council Member Place No. 1 and Council Member Place No. 3 Council Member Place No. 1 Javier Ramirez...

La votación anticipada para las elecciones generales de Palmview comenzará el 22 de abril

Posted on April 15, 2024

PALMVIEW, Texas-Los votantes registrados en Palmview podrán emitir su voto temprano para las Elecciones Generales de la Ciudad a partir del lunes 22 de abril.  El período de votación anticipada se extiende hasta el 30 de abril de 2024. En la boleta, las contiendas disputadas para el Lugar No. 1 y el Lugar No. 3...

City of Palmview Working with Agua SUD for Probability of City Acquiring Water & Wastewater Rights

Posted on April 11, 2024

PALMVIEW, Texas- The City of Palmview adopted a resolution to work with Agua Special Utility District (Agua SUD) to explore the feasibility of the City to acquire a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity (CCN) for water and wastewater services. A joint committee composed of City Council Members and Agua SUD Board Members has been discussing...

La ciudad de Palmview trabaja con Agua SUD para determinar la probabilidad de que la ciudad adquiera derechos de agua y aguas residuales

Posted on April 11, 2024

PALMVIEW, Texas- La Ciudad de Palmview adoptó una resolución para trabajar con el Distrito de Servicios Públicos Especiales de Agua (Agua SUD) para explorar la viabilidad de que la Ciudad adquiera un Certificado de Conveniencia y Necesidad (CCN) para los servicios de agua y aguas residuales. Un comité conjunto compuesto por miembros del Concejo Municipal...

City of Palmview’s Community Festival Featuring International and Local Artists

Posted on April 5, 2024

PALMVIEW, Texas-The City of Palmview’s Community Festival will be held on Saturday, April 6, 2024, from 5-11 p.m. at Palmview Municipal Park (613 Palmview Commercial Drive). This free event will feature live music by International sensation Los Impostores de Nuevo Leon and Los Palominos of Uvalde, Texas, as well as Elvis Ayala, and Revo Live...

Festival comunitario de la ciudad de Palmview con artistas internacionales y locales

Posted on April 5, 2024

PALMVIEW, Texas-El Festival Comunitario de la Ciudad de Palmview se llevará a cabo el sábado 6 de abril de 2024 de 5 a 11 p.m. en el Parque Municipal de Palmview (613 Palmview Commercial Drive). Este evento gratuito contará con música en vivo de la sensación internacional Los Impostores de Nuevo León y Los Palominos...
Former Duchess Recognized.

City of Palmview Recognizes Former Duchess of Royal Palms

Posted on March 20, 2024

PALMVIEW, Texas-Kalynn Walker, the 2023 Duchess of Royal Palms was recognized by the Palmview City Council for her outstanding service during her reign. Kalynn recently received the President’s Gold Volunteer Service Award for contributing 256 hours of volunteer service to the nation and community through AmeriCorps. The Volunteer Service Award honors individuals whose service positively...
Library Grand Opening

Palmview to Hold Grand Opening for City’s First Public Library with Two Valley Authors

Posted on March 19, 2024

PALMVIEW, Texas- The City of Palmview proudly announces the official grand opening of the Palmview Municipal Library.  A special ceremony will be held on Saturday, March 23 at 12 p.m. to mark the historical moment.  This will be the first public library for the city since it was incorporated in 1972. City leaders anticipate it...
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