Archives: FAQs

What is a Zoning District?

A Zoning District defines the types of primary and accessory uses that can be developed and what types of development standards will govern that use. Development standards include but are not limited to lot size, lot width, setbacks, heights of structures and buildings, lot coverage and screening.

What is the purpose of zoning?

Zoning is the practice of dividing an area into districts within which regulations and requirements uniformly govern the use, placement, spacing and size of land and buildings. Zoning is most often utilized to protect properties from incompatible adjacent land uses and to preserve the “character” of a community.

What is Zoning?

Zoning is the practice of classifying areas and properties to allow for specific uses. With Council direction and a Committee of several residents, the City moved forward with an update of the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map. By doing so, The City of Palmview will be able to create a tax base, promote smart growth, … Continued

How do I measure a setback?

A setback is measured from a lot (property) line to the nearest point of a building or structure using a perpendicular line to the property line. Front property lines are usually the trickiest. Remember to always measure from a lot line and not the back of the curb or sidewalk.

How does Animal control handle lost and found animals?

The Animal control division keeps a log of lost and found animals. Anytime you are missing a pet or have found someone else’s pet, report it to our division immediately. Any dogs or cats that are picked up by the Animal control division are then taken to the City of La Joya Animal shelter.  We … Continued

How do I pay my trash bill?

You can pay your trash bill three different ways. You can pay online. The first time you access your account, you will need your bill that shows the Account Number, and the last payment amount. There is a convenience fee to pay by credit card. In person in the lobby at 304 W Veterans Blvd. … Continued

How can I request an inspection?

 Inspections need to be requested 24 hrs. prior to the inspection. You may set up an inspection request using the following methods: Via call – call our office at 956-432-0300  Via email – send and email to Make sure you provide the address of where inspection is needed, type of inspection you are requesting, … Continued

When do I need an inspection?

Building – Foundation, Setbacks, Framing, Nail pattern, Insulation, Infiltration, Poly seal, Driveway, Sidewalk (if applicable), Final  Plumbing – Plumbing rough in, Tap out, Water and vents, Irrigation, Backflow, Final  Electrical – T- pole, Rough in, working clearance, service upgrade, Meter, Final  Mechanical – A/C rough in, Final

What are the setbacks?

Property setbacks are building restrictions imposed on property owners. This can be a distance from a curb, property line, or structure within which building is prohibited.

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