Archives: FAQs

How do I discontinue trash service?

The City of Palmview requires one (1) day notice to inactivate an account, and reason as to why you are canceling. You may call or come by the Solid Waste Department to terminate your service.

Where do I go to set up service?

Palmview Solid Waste Department, 505 Palmview Commercial Dr. Palmview, TX 78572 anytime Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.

What types of records does the city secretary maintain?

The City Secretary maintains permanent records including meeting proceedings, Ordinances, Resolutions, Official Budgets, Easements, and Deeds.  Other records maintained in this office include agreements, contracts, and administrative files.

Where can I obtain a copy of the city council meeting agenda?

A physical copy of meeting agendas are posted on the bulletin board located outside the City Hall building which is a place convenient and readily accesible to the public.  The posting requirement is 72 hours prior to the start of each meeting as well as a requirement for posting on the city website if a … Continued

What is the City of Palmview garbage rate?

The City of Palmview 2025 garbage rates are listed as a monthly rate below, weekly residential service, and bulky item pick-up. Residential 1 bin – $22.00 2 bins – $29.57 3 bins – $47.50 Commercial 1 bin – $27.23 2 bins – $41.56 3 bins – $60.56

Who determines the value of my house?

The value of most property in Palmview is determined by the Hidalgo County Appraisal District, a separate governmental agency authorized by the Texas Legislature. The city does not set the value of your home. 

Does the City of Palmview receive the entire 8.25%?

No. The 8.25% sales tax is distributed among three separate entities as follows: City of Palmview – 1.50% Palmview Municipal Development District – 0.50% State of Texas – 6.25% Total Sales Tax Rate – 8.25% The State of Texas is responsible for determining its sales tax percentage.

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