Service name

Service description.


Deadline to apply is xyz.


  • x
  • y
  • z

Who can apply

  • x
  • y
  • z

Steps to apply

  • x
  • y
  • z


For questions or support, contact:

  • Phone: 555-555-5555
  • Email:

Frequently asked questions

Yes, Palmview City Hall serves as a Passport Acceptance Facility through the U.S. Department of State.

Learn more.

The library is located at 505 Palmview Commercial Drive, right behind the Palmview Police Department.

Visit the Palmview Municipal Library and sign up for a library card. When applying for a library card, proper photo identification with the current address is required. The following documentation is acceptable: driver license, state issued ID, or passport.

Anyone 17 or under is considered a minor and must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to obtain a library card. Patrons 18 or older can apply for a library card on their own with proper identification.

A patron may check out ten (10) books, including audiobooks, for a duration of two (2) weeks. Adults can check out four (4) DVDs for three (3) days. Patros under the age of 18 cannot check out DVDs or audiobooks.

Yes, you may drop them off in the book drop located to the right of the library’s front door.

nodumpingchemicalsThis type of activity is illegal and will be handled through ticketing, fines, and in some cases jail time. If possible, call your local storm water hotline at (956)432-0300

sewer vs stormwaterStorm water is generally rain that runs off surfaces that cannot absorb water. These surfaces include rooftops, pavements, and compacted gravel lots. as water flows on these surfaces towards the storm drains, it picks up pollutants such as sediment, pet waste, oil, grease, fertilizers, chemicals and whatever else is on the ground and makes its wat untreated to local ditches and canals, eventually reaching the Laguna Madre.

Our storm drain system, unlike the sanitary sewer system that comes from your house receives no treatment before it eventually reaches the Laguna Madre. The pollutants it picks up on its way there has potential of harming fish and other wildlife and polluting large areas of water.

The excess runoff caused by the decrease in absorption can cause flooding, in addition, garbage picked up by these waters can also clog the drainage system, causing a slowdown in the drainage ability of the City’s system. A combination of these two events has the potential to cause flooding within the city. What could be done to help alleviate these issues is clean all leaves, grass clippings, and trash from drainage areas, manholes, and inlets to avoid future flooding.

2018 ICC Family of Codes

2020 National Electric Code

For incidents occurring in Palmview, file in the lobby at 400 W. Veterans Blvd Palmview, TX 78572, or call 956.432.0303 or call the city where incident occurred; if occurred in county jurisdiction, call Hidalgo County Sheriff’s Department to (956) 383-8114.

Obtaining a license in Texas is done through the Texas Department of Public Safety. Driver License | Department of Public Safety (

The nearest hospital is the Mission Regional Medical Center which is approximately 5 miles east of Palmview off of Interstate Highway 2 900 S. Bryan Rd, Mission, TX 78572

956-432-0300 option 7 or calling direct at 956-432-0310

A licensed professional engineer will be required to prepare a plat. You can locate a professional engineer or surveyor by contacting the Texas Society of Professional Engineers or the Texas Surveyor’s Association or by looking in your local phone directory.

According to the Texas Local Government Code, the platting process is required unless all of the following conditions are met: The division results in parcels of land that each contain an area greater than five (5) acres, each parcel has access to a public street, and no public improvement is being dedicated.

A plat is the official map of an addition or subdivision, showing the number and dimensions of lots, public rights-of-way, and easements. The plat must be filed with the County Clerk after the City has approved it.

An application for a rezoning request is submitted to the Planning Department. Once the Planning Department has adequately reviewed the case, it goes before the Planning and Zoning Commission for consideration. It is then forwarded to City Council for consideration and action. The City Council is the final approval authority for rezoning requests.

A Zoning District defines the types of primary and accessory uses that can be developed and what types of development standards will govern that use. Development standards include but are not limited to lot size, lot width, setbacks, heights of structures and buildings, lot coverage and screening.

Zoning is the practice of dividing an area into districts within which regulations and requirements uniformly govern the use, placement, spacing and size of land and buildings. Zoning is most often utilized to protect properties from incompatible adjacent land uses and to preserve the “character” of a community.

Zoning is the practice of classifying areas and properties to allow for specific uses. With Council direction and a Committee of several residents, the City moved forward with an update of the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map. By doing so, The City of Palmview will be able to create a tax base, promote smart growth, and protect our great neighborhoods!

A setback is measured from a lot (property) line to the nearest point of a building or structure using a perpendicular line to the property line. Front property lines are usually the trickiest. Remember to always measure from a lot line and not the back of the curb or sidewalk.

The Animal control division keeps a log of lost and found animals.

Anytime you are missing a pet or have found someone else’s pet, report it to our division immediately. Any dogs or cats that are picked up by the Animal control division are then taken to the City of La Joya Animal shelter. 

We encourage the adoption of unclaimed animals. If you are considering pet ownership, please consider a homeless pet.

You can pay your trash bill three different ways.

  1. You can pay online. The first time you access your account, you will need your bill that shows the Account Number, and the last payment amount. There is a convenience fee to pay by credit card.
  2. In person in the lobby at 304 W Veterans Blvd.
  3. At the drive thru at 400 W. Veterans Blvd.
  4. By mail:
    City of Palmview, Attn: Solid Waste Department
    400 W. Veterans Blvd
    Palmview, TX 78572

Code Enforcement handles general ordinance enforcement, health & safety enforcement, junk vehicles, sign violations and tall grass & weeds.  (This list may not be all inclusive)

 Inspections need to be requested 24 hrs. prior to the inspection. You may set up an inspection request using the following methods:

  1. Via call – call our office at 956-432-0300 
  2. Via email – send and email to
  3. Make sure you provide the address of where inspection is needed, type of inspection you are requesting, your name, and a phone number where you can be reached.

Building – Foundation, Setbacks, Framing, Nail pattern, Insulation, Infiltration, Poly seal, Driveway, Sidewalk (if applicable), Final 

Plumbing – Plumbing rough in, Tap out, Water and vents, Irrigation, Backflow, Final 

Electrical – T- pole, Rough in, working clearance, service upgrade, Meter, Final 

Mechanical – A/C rough in, Final

Property setbacks are building restrictions imposed on property owners. This can be a distance from a curb, property line, or structure within which building is prohibited.

For any kind of work pertaining to electrical, plumbing, irrigation, or mechanical work a contractor with a master license in the field is necessary. The contractor needs to contact the city to obtain proper permitting.

You are not required to apply for a permit if you are doing non-structural work such as cosmetic work such as painting, papering, tiling, carpeting, cabinets, countertops, or similar finish work does not require a permit.

Yes, if you are interested in opening a business inside City limits, it is required for you to register your business with the City of Palmview.  The following items are required to register a business.  Valid ID, Copy of water bill, DBA registration with the County, Sales tax permit, lease agreement, and site plan of location.

Yes. The penalty is 2 times the original permit cost.

Fees depend on the type of permit and project you are doing. See the city of Palmview code of ordinances on our website to see the fee schedule or you may call our Palmview Planning Department for more information at 956-432-0300. 

 It can take from 7-10 business days for an application to be reviewed.​

You may go to City Hall Located At 304 W Veterans Blvd. The office Is open Monday-Friday 8:00am To 5:00pm or you may also apply via email by sending an email to

Yes, a garage sale permit is required to be placed on site on the day/days it was issued for. Garage sales are only allowed at residential homes. They are $10.00 per day and you can obtain up to 4 garage sales per year.

 Carports, concrete slabs, porches, driveways, swimming pools, new homes, gazebos, additions, electrical, plumbing, irrigation, a/c mechanical.

When you intend to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, convert, improve, demolish, or change the use of building or structure.

Cosmetic work such as painting, papering, tiling, carpeting, cabinets, countertops, or similar finish work does not require a permit.

The Zoning Board of Adjustment and Appeals act on such requests. The request requires a public hearing.

A variance may be sought when the literal enforcement of a provision of the regulations will result in an unnecessary hardship and the granting of a variance is not merely a convenience to the applicant.

A variance or a special exception is permission to depart from a specific code or regulation as it applies to development.

A request under the Public Information Act must be in written form and submitted in one of the following methods of delivery.

Please contact the Palmview Parks & Rec. to inquire about volunteer opportunities at our parks. 

Every park reservation space is first come, first served. Reserve a space at these parks by calling the Palmview Parks & Rec at 956-432-0310. 

The City of Palmview does allow for certain fields to be reserved. Please call our Parks & Rec at 956-432-0310 for more information on reserving or renting a field. 

Splash pads are open dependent upon weather conditions. They usually open sometime in May and close for the fall / winter season sometime in September. 

  • Grills are allowed at our park
  • Any fire in a fire pit must be kept contained to the pit
  • Alcohol is prohibited

Per city ordinance, alcohol is prohibited at our Parks and Recreation locations. For private events, the organizer must have an alcohol / special event permit and the alcohol has to be served by someone with a TABC license.

City parks are open one hour before dawn until 11 p.m. 

If your trash was not picked up on your designated day, contact us at 956-432-0300 ext. 2 and we will be happy to assist you.

The City of Palmview requires one (1) day notice to inactivate an account, and reason as to why you are canceling. You may call or come by the Solid Waste Department to terminate your service.

Palmview Solid Waste Department, 505 Palmview Commercial Dr. Palmview, TX 78572 anytime Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.

The City of Palmview provides weekly trash pick-up available to all citizens of Palmview. 

The City Secretary maintains permanent records including meeting proceedings, Ordinances, Resolutions, Official Budgets, Easements, and Deeds.  Other records maintained in this office include agreements, contracts, and administrative files.

A physical copy of meeting agendas are posted on the bulletin board located outside the City Hall building which is a place convenient and readily accesible to the public.  The posting requirement is 72 hours prior to the start of each meeting as well as a requirement for posting on the city website if a website is maintained.  To view all meeting agendas and meeting material, visit our online portal.  Courtesy copies of the meeting agendas are provided at each meeting and/or are available upon request.

The City of Palmview 2025 garbage rates are listed as a monthly rate below, weekly residential service, and bulky item pick-up.


  • 1 bin – $22.00
  • 2 bins – $29.57
  • 3 bins – $47.50


  • 1 bin – $27.23
  • 2 bins – $41.56
  • 3 bins – $60.56

The City’s 2021-2022 annual budget is $

The value of most property in Palmview is determined by the Hidalgo County Appraisal District, a separate governmental agency authorized by the Texas Legislature. The city does not set the value of your home. 

No. The 8.25% sales tax is distributed among three separate entities as follows:

  • City of Palmview – 1.50%
  • Palmview Municipal Development District – 0.50%
  • State of Texas – 6.25%
  • Total Sales Tax Rate – 8.25%

The State of Texas is responsible for determining its sales tax percentage.

The sales tax rate in Palmview is 8.25%.

Interested parties may review a copy of the City’s budget at our City Secretary, or Finance department offices.

View city budgets.

The City’s 2021-2022 fiscal year tax rate is $0.5001 per $100 assessed valuation. City Charter states it is the responsibility of the City Council to set the tax rate. To calculate your city tax bill you must divide the taxable assessed valuation of your home by $100, and then multiply that figure by $0.5001. For example, John and Jane Citizen own a $27,262 home. Their city property tax portion is calculated as follows:

  • Taxable Assessed Valuation = $27,262
  • Divided by $100 = $272.62
  • Multiplied by $0.5001 = $136.34
  • $136.34 = Please note this is the City’s portion of your annual tax bill, not your total tax bill. 

Crash Reports: Standard: $6.00 Certified: $8.00

Incident Reports: Typically there is no fee for a copy of a public report (If you are an involved party).

Open Records Requests: Charges vary based on the nature of the request.

Complete the Crash Report Request Form

Provide a copy of your photo ID

For attorneys, insurance companies or other representatives, please provide a letter of authorization of a letter of representation for your client / insured.

Turn in the above paperwork in person at the Palmview Police Department, or mail the information to 400 W. Veterans Blvd., Palmview, TX 78572 along with payment and a self-addressed, stamped envelope.4.

Yes, we highly encourage candidates to research the department, to include a ride along, to help better understand the position and agency. Once you are an active applicant in the process, contact a recruiter for more information on how to schedule a ride along.

We understand that some of the required documents that are listed in the packet may be difficult to get or time consuming. If a document is not readily accessible to you or you need to request for a document to be sent, you will just indicate in your PHS that the document has been requested and then once it is received we will add it to your packet. However, items such as copies of your driver license and vehicle insurance should be readily accessible and will need to be included, otherwise your packet can be disqualified due to being incomplete.

Payments can be made online (with most major credit/debit cards) or made in person using the following acceptable payment options:

  • Cashier’s check payable to City of Palmview
  • Credit / debit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover)
  • Money order made payable to City of Palmview
  • Personal check payable to City of Palmview

Once you have submitted your application online, you will receive a confirmation email if you provided a valid email on your application. Be sure to check your spam or junk mail folder if you do not receive the confirmation email in your inbox.


You may contact our Human Resources Office at 956-432-0300 to check the status of your application.

Once you have applied online, your application will be reviewed to determine if you meet the minimum qualifications for the position(s) in which you are applying. If you meet the minimum qualifications, your application will be routed to the hiring manager for review and the hiring manager will contact you directly if you are selected for an interview.

The length of the process is dependent on many factors, but generally it takes three to four months to complete processing for all applicants.

The Open Carry law allows a license holder to “open carry” a holstered handgun or firearm, though gun laws are complex. We encourage residents to determine whether gun laws allow a person to openly carry a firearm at a particular location. To learn more about Open Carry, visit the Texas Department of Public Safety website.

For additional questions, contact the Palmview Police Department at 956-432-0303.

Call the Police Department at 956-432-0303 and give them the address to where the noise is coming from.

You can remain anonymous if you desire. Also keep in mind that City Ordinance #, allows for music to be played Sunday – Thursday until 10:00 PM and Friday and Saturday until 12:00 AM (midnight).

If the noise is threatening or indicates violence, call 911.

Access to the Police Records Division is through the main lobby, Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

If you have a complaint, you may do the following:

  1. Come to the Police Department located at 400 W. Veterans Blvd. and speak with any supervisor.
  2. Fill out a Complaint Form available in the Police Department lobby or at City Hall.
  3. Download a Citizen’s Complaint Form (sworn affidavit)

Each complaint will be reviewed and appropriate follow-up actions taken.

We are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. However the administrative offices and records division are only open Monday through Friday, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. If you need assistance on weekends or after hours please call 956-432-0303 to request assistance.

Accident and Incident reports may be picked up from the records office only.

The records office is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.

RECORDS FEE SCHEDULE Accident/Crash Reports $6.00 per copy Reports will not be ready the day of the accident. Please allow 10 business days for completion of the report. 

Please complete the Open Records Request Document and mail or bring to the Palmview Police Department at 400 W. Veterans Blvd. Palmview, TX 78572. 

Include a self addressed, stamped envelope along with a check or money order for each crash report requested.

Clearance Letter $6.00 per letter. These letters attest to good conduct in the City of Palmview only. Only Palmview Police Department and Palmview Municipal Court records will be checked. 

If a Criminal History is needed please contact Texas Department of Public Safety. Call 512-424-2000 for more information.

Because of rules and regulations of the National Crime Information Center and the Texas Crime Information Center, it is not possible for our law enforcement agency to release criminal history information to individuals.

In Texas, certain criminal history information is available to individuals from the State of Texas Department of Public Safety. For further information contact the Texas Department of Public Safety by calling (512) 424-2000.

The City Council meets regularly on the first (1st) and third (3rd) Tuesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. at Palmview City Hall Council Chambers located at 400 W. Veterans Blvd. Palmview, Texas 78572.

Elections for City Council seats are held every two years on even-numbered years and are held in May.  Periodically, elections for referendums or propositions may be called to be held at a May or November uniform election date.

The city does not perform repairs on any of the following:

  • driveway aprons, curbs, lips or panels
  • sidewalk landings
  • railroad crossings
  • Texas Department of Transportation rights of way

The requirements to run for office are a combination of statutory and charter requirements.  Click requirements for list.

The city performs the following types of repairs:

  • drainage issues, i.e. standing water
  • curb repairs
  • minor pavement repairs, i.e. cracks and potholes
  • full street reconstruction
  • manhole adjustments and repairs
  • storm drain inlet repairs

The Municipal Court can answer most questions surrounding a traffic citation. They can be reached at (956)432-0300.

Dress is Business Casual. No shorts, tank tops, flip-flops, hats, or sunglasses are accepted in the courtroom.

Twenty business days are allowed to make an initial appearance concerning a citation. The following are considered an initial appearance:

  • Defendant comes to the court office in person during business hours
  • Defendant submits the proper response through the mail

Extensions of time to pay can only be approved by the Judge. You may appear in person at the Municipal Court window within 20 business days of receipt of the citation to schedule a court date. You are required to fill out a financial information form.

Court dates are not printed on citations. Defendants are given a period of 20 business days to make an initial appearance in person, by mail or online. Online Payment Site.

A resume is not accepted in lieu of an online application. However, you may attach your resume to your online application for the hiring manager to view. Please note, applications that are not complete, but have a resume attached, will be considered an incomplete application.

Once received, all applications will be reviewed for completeness and to ensure that an applicant meets the minimum qualifications of the position that they are applying for. Incomplete applications, along with applicants who do not meet the minimum qualifications, may not be eligible for further consideration.  Due to the large volume of applications received, not all qualified candidates will be contacted.

Please refer to our map to see when your trash gets picked up.

Election information is available on the City Secretary’s Elections page.

Since the City of Palmview contracts with Hidalgo County Elections Department for the conduct of city elections, we follow their approved voting locations.  Futher, since Hidalgo County provides for county-wide polling places, a voter is allowed to vote at any of their posted locations and he/she will receive the respective ballot of their residence address based on voter registration records. A voter look-up tool is available on the Hidalgo County Elections’ Department website.

To register to vote, visit the Hidalgo County Elections’ Department website or call (956) 318-2570 as their office is in charge of voter registration for Hidalgo County.

It can be done in one of two ways:

956-432-0300 option 7 or calling direct at 956-432-0310

For police-related non-emergencies you can call (956) 432-0303 and speak to a Telecommunications Officer (Dispatcher).

Always remember to provide the following, if applicable:

1. Name
2. Address
3. Phone Number
4. Type of Call
5. Brief Description of the call for service.

All of these are necessary in order to properly classify and document the call for service.

To enroll your child in La Joya ISD please click here

To enroll your child in Idea Public Schools please click here


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