PALMVIEW, Texas (February 1, 2024)-The Palmview Municipal Development District (PMDD) last night recognized two of its longest-serving directors. Vice President Javier Ramirez and Director Joel Garcia decided to step down from the board in order to allow other Palmview residents to serve on the board. Garcia who currently serves as Mayor Pro Tem on the...
PALMVIEW, Texas (February 1, 2024)-El Distrito de Desarrollo Municipal de Palmview (PMDD, por sus siglas en inglés) reconoció anoche a dos de sus directores con más años de servicio. El vicepresidente Javier Ramírez y el director Joel García decidieron renunciar el puesto para dar a otros residentes de Palmview la oportunidad de servir en la...
PALMVIEW, Texas- If you're looking for a rewarding and exciting career, this is your chance to join the Palmview Fire Department. Join our team by following this link to fill out your application today.