PALMVIEW, Texas- The City of Palmview and the Palmview Municipal Development District (PMDD) held a ceremony on April 12 to mark the official start of the Palmview Main Street Project. The Main Street development is replacing the old Greg’s Ballroom located on the frontage of Interstate 2. The project includes seven commercial lots and a...
PALMVIEW, Texas- La Ciudad de Palmview y el Distrito de Desarrollo Municipal de Palmview (PMDD) celebraron una ceremonia el 12 de abril para marcar el inicio oficial del Proyecto Palmview Main Street. El desarrollo de Main Street está reemplazando el antiguo Greg's Ballroom ubicado en la fachada de la Interestatal 2. El proyecto incluye siete...
PALMVIEW, Texas-The recent rains brought more than just water- some residents are now dealing with mosquitoes. That’s why the City of Palmview will begin to spray the entire city today. The spraying will be done by zone as shown in the map below. Zone 1 will be sprayed on Tuesday, April 11 between 9 p.m....