Boards & committees
Boards and committees are appointed by the City Council and administered by the City Secretary.
Board and committee descriptions
Library Board
Purpose: To provide advice and support for the creation and development of a new library and associated services. This board will also assist in the creation of policies and procedures and will assist in grant development for associated services. The board is advisory in nature and will make recommendations to the city council for consideration.
Members: Ana Maria Perez, Alma Salinas
Staff: Michael Leo, Irma Garza
Parks & Recreation Advisory Board
Purpose: To provide advice and support to the City Council in the manner of parks and recreation facilities, staff structure, projects, and any other areas related to parks & recreation in the Palmview area as tasked by the City Council.
Planning & Zoning Commission
Purpose: To review proposed rezoning, amendments, supplements, or zoning changes in classifications; make preliminary reports; hold public hearings with owners of property affected by such proposed changes; and submission of a final report to the City Council for a subsequent public hearing and final action.
Members: Joel Mendiola, Marisela Martinez, Isabel Hernandez, Hiram Saenz, Norma Chapa, Velia Gonzalez
Staff: Rudy Flores, Rose Villegas
Zoning Board of Adjustments
Purpose: To hear and decide where it is alleged there is error in any order, requirement, decision, or determination made by an administrative official in the enforcement of the ordinance. The ZBA shall have the power to authorize upon appeal in specific cases such variances, from the terms of the ordinance as will not be contrary to the public interest, where, owing to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the provisions of this ordinance will result in unnecessary hardship, and so that the spirit of this ordinance shall be observed, and substantial justice done. Such variances from the strict application of the terms of the ordinance must be in harmony with its purpose and intent and shall be authorized only where the ZBA is satisfied that the applicant has proven certain conditions exist.
Members: Joel Mendiola, Belinda Mata Longoria, Noe Munoz, Monica Escamilla, Olga Aguilar, Veronica Reyes Perez, Santos Palomo
Staff: Rudy Flores, Rose Villegas
Municipal Development District
Purpose: To research, develop and prepare an Economic Development Plan for the city, which shall include proposed methods and the expected costs of implementation. Seeks job creation, investment, and business recruitment for the City of Palmview. Assist and supports the city in major infrastructure projects to attract business development.
Members: Espie Ochoa, Javier Ramirez, Joel Garcia, Ana Alaniz, Jose Luis Perez, Lucy Rosales, Ricardo Villarreal
Staff: Michael Leo, Annette Villarreal, Arely Barrera, Irma Garza
Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) Board
Purpose: To make recommendations to the governing body of the municipality or county that created the zone concerning the administration of the funds generated by the zone. The governing body of the municipality by ordinance may authorize the board to exercise any of the municipality's powers with respect to the administration, management, or operation of the zone or the implementation of the project plan for the zone, with certain exceptions relating to the issuance of bonds, imposition of taxes or fees; exercising the power of eminent domain; or give final approval to the project plan.
The Board shall have all the rights powers and duties as provided by the Act to such Boards or by action of the City Council, pursuant to Section 311.009(a) of the Texas Tax Code.
Youth Advisory Council
Purpose: To serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council and provide input on programs that will improve the quality of life for the youth; to develop and sustain programs and activities for the youth; to encourage and mentor the youth to become an important part in the development of the community; to promote and develop leadership skills in the youth; and instill the importance of community involvement.
Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)
Purpose and background: An implementation of FEMA's National CERT Program, which is administered by a local sponsoring agency (City of Palmview), which provides a standardized training and implementation framework to community members who will perform a large number of tasks needed in emergencies, freeing up the highly trained professional responders for more technical tasks. CERTs receive specific training in basic disaster response skills, and who agree to supplement existing emergency responders in the event of a major disaster. CERTs perform data gathering, especially to locate mass-casualties requiring professional response, or situations requiring professional rescues, simple fire-fighting tasks (for example, small fires, turning off gas), light search and rescue, damage evaluation of structures, triage and first aid.
Drainage Advisory Committee
Purpose and background: The heavy rain events from the last few years show the need for drainage infrastructure improvements throughout the City of Palmview. While most of the city’s drainage systems are part of a bigger system, managed and maintained by the Hidalgo County Drainage District #1, the City of Palmview can further examine drainage needs within neighborhoods in the city. The committee shall serve as: 1) An advisory group to the Palmview City Council. 2) Review drainage improvement plans prepared by the city engineer and/or city staff and review and advise as to the specific strategies, needs and priorities of the citizens of the City of Palmview. 3) Provide review and recommendations to the City for implementation of drainage projects, including financing options. 4) Provide review, recommendations and assist with public awareness and input for the planning and implementation of drainage improvement projects. 5) Provide other services as needed by the Palmview City Council.
Members: Fidel Martinez, Florentino Garza, Roy Cantu, Jr., Jose Martinez, Esmeralda Lopez, Alexia Solis, Priscilla Cienega, Berta Requenez, Luis Mendez, Joe Aguilar
Alternates: Eduardo Barreriro, Mr. Arrias, Joe Cavazos, Ms. Acevedo
Staff: Michael Leo, Rudy Flores