The City Secretary maintains permanent records including meeting proceedings, Ordinances, Resolutions, Official Budgets, Easements, and Deeds. Other records maintained in this office include agreements, contracts, and administrative files.
A physical copy of meeting agendas are posted on the bulletin board located outside the City Hall building which is a place convenient and readily accesible to the public. The posting requirement is 72 hours prior to the start of each meeting as well as a requirement for posting on the city website if a website is maintained. To view all meeting agendas and meeting material, visit our online portal. Courtesy copies of the meeting agendas are provided at each meeting and/or are available upon request.
The City Council meets regularly on the first (1st) and third (3rd) Tuesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. at Palmview City Hall Council Chambers located at 400 W. Veterans Blvd. Palmview, Texas 78572.
Elections for City Council seats are held every two years on even-numbered years and are held in May. Periodically, elections for referendums or propositions may be called to be held at a May or November uniform election date.