PALMVIEW, Texas-The Palmview City Council held a special meeting on June 25 to canvass the votes of the June 15, 2024, Run-off Election between incumbent Javier Ramirez and challenger Esequiel “Zeke” Ortiz, Jr. The count required by law officially declares Javier Ramirez the winner in the run-off for the Place 1 council seat. He received...
PALMVIEW, Texas-El Concejo Municipal de Palmview celebró una reunión especial el 25 de junio para escrutar los votos de la segunda vuelta electoral del 15 de junio de 2024 entre el titular Javier Ramírez y el retador Esequiel "Zeke" Ortiz, Jr. El escrutinio requerido por la ley, declara oficialmente a Javier Ramírez como ganador en...
PALMVIEW, Texas-The City of Palmview will begin spraying for mosquitoes today to help reduce adult mosquitoes becoming a nuisance after the recent rains. City staff already treated standing water around the city to eliminate mosquito larvae and pupae before they grow into biting adult mosquitoes. The spraying will be done by zone as shown in...